Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

Cure Your Diabetes with 'sperm'

A number of scientists in the United States develop insulin production
techniques using sperm stem cells. These findings continue to be refined to be
useful for treating people with type 1 diabetes.
Diabetes occurs due to damage to cells that produce insulin in the pancreas, so
that the body loses its ability to regulate blood sugar levels
See more in http://fightyourdiabetic.com/cure-diabetes-sperm/

8 Signs of Diabetes Rarely Known

Indicators of diabetes normally seen from the symptoms associated with blood
sugar levels as much pee, drink lots and lots of eating. But there again a few
indicators of diabetes, which is surprising.
Check this thoroughly in here :

9 Super Foods for Diabetes

Find out 9 'super food' for those who have problems with diabetes. Look how
Vegetable, Fruits, Cereals, Fish, Chicken breast, Nuts, Olive Oil and Yogurt
could make you feel free to eat

Pls check this out in

Fight Chronic Disease with simple Way ..

Have you been so Frustrated For Diabetes? Fight your diabetes now and live with that. Find out 9 Super Food which is save to consume, 8 Signs of Diabetes Rarely Known and the latest info for this Medicine such as Cure Diabetes with sperm
Check this out in http://fightyourdiabetic.com

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Jual Cepat Rumah Telaga Kahuripan Bogor

Kami jual cuma karena kami butuh saja:

1. Luas Bangunan : 95 m2
2. Luas Tanah h : 166 m2
Posisi di Hook, ada kelebihan tanah
3. Kepemilikan : Perorangan Hak Milik, IMB : Ada
4. Listrik: 1.300 watt
5. Sumber air: PAM
6. Bebas banjir
7. Keamanan terjamin
8. Harga : Rp. 300,000,000 (Bisa Nego)
9. Lokasi : Strategis, dekat Sekolah Internasional Madania & Masdurini. Dekat dengan RSIA Hermina & Giant Yasmin
10. Jumlah Ruangan : 2 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi, Ruang Tamu, Dapur
11. Alamat Properti : Perumahan Telaga Kahuripan Teras Candraloka Blok B2/1 - Kota : Bogor

5. Info Lengkap Hubungi :
Ibu Chandra Dian
Telphone : 081802943292
atau email ke: cakra6733@yahoo.com